PI Information


  • @YorkUMicroscopy Terms of Service

  • Charges

    The minimum facility usage charge is 30 min for confocal microscopy, 30 min for electron microscopy and one hour for ion milling. A billing statement and an invoice will be sent to you every month. User fees are posted on http://microscopy.info.yorku.ca. The charge for a training (user specimens) is the same as the hourly facility usage charge. Please note all Facility consumables are chargeable, including gloves.
  • Booking

    @YorkUMicroscopy employs an online system for booking. You or your delegate can monitor your students’ bookings by providing individual approvals. This requires an active QReserve (https://get.qreserve.com ) account.
  • Training

    All training sessions are one-on-one. Training is provided during scheduled time. Users cannot use new modes of operation for which they have not been trained. Users should prepare specimens prior to the training. Consumables are chargeable items. Prices are posted. If a consumable item is requested that has to ordered specifically, the user will be asked for a cost centre number to charge the order against at the time of the order, not on completion of the work.
  • Data and Specimens Management

    Data is temporarily stored in a local hard drive. Users must copy their files employing http://dropbox.yorku.ca/external. USB drives are not permitted. It is the user’s responsibility to save their data in a timely manner. Users are responsible for curating their specimens.