Electron optics
- High resolution Schottky field emission
- SEM column optimized for high brightness/high current
- 60° objective lens geometry with through- the-lens differential pumping and heated objective apertures
- Maximum horizontal field width: 5 mm at analytical working distance (10 mm); 18.8mm at 65 mm WD;
- Accelerating voltage: 200 V to 30 kV
- Landing voltage range: Standard: 200 V to 30 kV, Beam Deceleration: 20 V to 30 kV
- Probe current: ≤ 200 nA, continuously adjustable
- Magnification: 30 to 1 450 kx
Electron Beam resolution
- High vacuum
0.8 nm at 30 kV (STEM)
1..2 nm* at 30 kV (SE)
2.5 nm at 30 kV (BSE)
2.9 nm at 1 kV (SE)
- High vacuum with beam deceleration option
3.0 nm at 1 kV (BD mode + BSED)
2.3 nm at 1 kV (BD mode + ICD)
3.1 nm at 200 V (BD mode + ICD)
- Low vacuum
1.5 nm at 30 kV (SE)
2.5 nm at 30 kV (BSE)*
2.9 nm at 3 kV (SE)
- Extended vacuum mode (ESEM)
1.5 nm at 30 kV (SE)
- Everhardt Thornley SED (secondary electron detector)
- Low vacuum SED
- Gaseous SED (GSED) (used in ESEM mode)
- Gaseous analytical BSED (GAD)
- Gaseous BSED
- Solid State backscatter detector BSED
- 14 segment STEM detector
- In-column detector (ICD) for BD mode
Vacuum system
- Patented through-the-lens differential pumping
- Beam gas path length: 10 mm or 2 mm
- 2 x IGP
- Chamber vacuum (high) < 6e-4 Pa
- Chamber vacuum (low) < 10 to 130 Pa
- ESEM vacuum < 10 to 4000 Pa
- Evacuation time: 150 seconds to high vacuum and 270 seconds to ESEM
- CryoCleaner cold trap
- SW controlled Peltier cooled specimen stage
- SW controlled 1000°C heating stage
- SW controlled 1400°C heating stage
- FEI Gas Injection System: Platinum
- Prototyping: Integrated 16-bit patterning engine
- Integrated Plasma Cleaner
- 379 mm size left to right
- 10 mm analytical WD E and I beam coincidence point
- 21 ports
- EDS take-off angle: 35°
- Angle between electron and ion columns 52
- X, Y = 50 mm
- Z = 25 mm
- Z clearance = 50 mm
- T = - 15° to + 75°
- R = 360° continuous
Ion Optics
- High-current ion column with Ga liquid-metal ion source
- Acceleration voltage: 2-30kV
- Probe current 1pA-65 nA in 15 steps
- Beam blanker
- 15 position aperture strip
- Magnification: 30 to 1 450 kx
- Charge neutralization mode for milling of non-conductive samples
Ion Beam resolution
- 7 nm at 30 kV at beam coincident point